‘Thomian Triathlon’ Set To Take Stage


The Thomian Triathlon will take place on the 25th of January 2014. The event will be open to both the lower school and senior school students and will conclude with a mini carnival at the S. Thomas’ College Premises.


The Triathlon is set to start at the Bishop’s College Pool which will be open from 5.00am onwards where competitors will have to engage in the first test which is swimming which is set to conclude at around 8.00 a.m.

After the swimming event, competitors will have to walk/run to the Havelock Park Rugby Grounds which will be the destination for the second discipline out of the three with the last being cycling.

Competitors will have to cycle to S. Thomas’ College via Dickman’s Road towards Hotel Road finally finishing off at the Small Club Grounds, Mt. Lavinia.

The Triathlon for Lower School children will take place within the S. Thomas’ College premises and the environment around as prescribed by the organizers.


Old boy’s and well wishers who intend to participate should obtain a sponsorship card, while merchandise will also be available.