UTE-CAT Open Golf Championship from January 20


The UTE-CAT Sri Lanka Open organised by the Sri Lanka Golf Union poses to be a real thriller with the defending Champion Anura Rohana poised to become the undisputed champ by extending his wins in the Sri Lanka Open to a record eighth time.

The 2012 Open Championship seemed to be slipping away from Anura Rohana starting the final round five strokes behind the tournament leader Vijitha Bandara. However in a dramatic final round Anura Rohana with all his experience and confidence rattled Vijitha Bandara to win by two strokes from Mithun, Praba and Vijitha who were tied for second place on four under par.

The Title Sponsors UTE-CAT Heavy Machinery experts have the stage set for a true test of the Sri Lankan Golfing heavyweights with the Sri Lanka Open dates shifted to accommodate the Professional on ‘Tour Duty’ Mithun, Thangaraja, Prabagaran and the seven time Open Champion Anura Rohana.

The Amateur challenge of Vijitha Bandara, last year’s three and a half round leader, N.Ranga, Amarapadma a past winner and the Teaching Professionals at the RCGC Lalith Kumara and Jehan de Saram. The other seven time past Champion ‘legend’ Nandasena Perera is also expected to see the starter and it is hoped Zen Dharmaratne can make the first tee for the Championship.

More than 100 entries are expected and there will be a qualifying round for eligible entrants on 17th January followed by a practice round with the Championship starting on Monday 20th – Thursday 23rd.

UTE-CAT is sponsoring the UTE-CAT Sri Lanka Open Golf Championship 2013 for the third consecutive year.