Invincible All Blacks…. The Best of All Time?


Unconquerable, Unbeatable, Untouchable, Immortal, Indomitable, Unassailable, Indestructible are just some of the adjectives that have been used to personify the New Zealand All Blacks.


The 2013 All Blacks however, have put their names in the history books as simply unbeaten. They have become the first team in the history of the professional Rugby era to complete an entire calendar year unbeaten. 

After the 2011 Rugby World Cup New Zealand has played 28 test matches, of these 28 they have won 26, drawn one and lost just one. They have dominated world rugby and have held on to the number one ranking for over three years. In the last two years they have won two Rugby Championships, two Bledisloe Cups (vs Australia), 2 Freedom Cups (vs South Africa), 2 Gallaher trophies (vs. France) and one Hillary Shield (vs England). The 2013 All Blacks team has become the first test team in the proffessional rugby era to have an unbeaten calendar year. 

The All Blacks of 2012/13 have thrown their names in on a short list that very few teams have made before. The list of the best All Blacks team of all time. They have made the list along with the Invincibles of 1924/25, the teams of 1966/67 who went unbeaten for 2 whole years, the team of 1996/97 who won 20 games with one draw and one loss and the two teams of 1987 and 2011 that conquered the Rugby World cup.

Best performances of 2013 

The All Blacks performances over the course of 2013 have been as close to perfect as any team would ever get, but a few performances have been beyond exceptional. It has become very evident that the All Blacks thrive on being challenged in every game and opponents playing at their best seems to bring out the best in these All Blacks. This was proven against the Springboks in the last game of the Rugby Championship in South Africa when they were put to the test. The Springboks threw everything at the Blacks who persevered to take the game 38-27 in one of the most remarkable games of the year. Again at Twickernham when England threw their best at the Kiwis, they stuck in and pulled off a magnificent 22-30 win. 

Although the games mentioned above were entertainment and showed exceptional rugby they were not the All Blacks best performance of the year. That came in just the second game of the season when they played the French in the second test of three in Christchurch. The All Blacks display was absolutely clinical. Their attack was masterful as their backs went through the French with ease. The tight five were dominant up front and the third row was exceptional at the breakdown. The game plan was well thought out and it was executed to perfection. What put the icing on the cake was that they kept the French scoreless through the 80 minutes. It was a brilliant defensive showing, tackles were solid, the discipline was good and they were menacing at the breakdown. It was a masterclass in Rugby and most importantly, it was done without Dan Carter and Richie McCaw. 

Top Performers of 2013 

New Zealand are renown for putting up a good all round performance and every player always contributes to every game but there are always some players who are just sublime. In 2013 there were quite a few. 

Fisrtly Julian Savea who scored 6 tries in his ten games for 2013. Savea has been exceptional since he became an All Black in 2012. The young winger has scored 19 tries in 20 tests for the All Blacks. He was magnificient all through the year constantly dominant in contact and soaring when ever he has space to run. Whats special about this youngster is that he was instrumental in creating many tries in addition to the 6 he scored. His biggest weakness when he came into this team two years ago was his skill under the high ball. He has now developed this and has turned it into a real asset. Savea is now one of the most secure men in the air and has become a lethal counter attacking player. 

Two of the New Zealand locks were also spectacular all through the season. Led by Sam Whitelock who earned his 50th cap by the end of the year along with Broadie Rettallick who is just two years into his career, these two towering players aged 25 and 22 respectively were all over the park in open play. They were menacing at breakdowns and rock solid in defence. Not to mention the brute force they added at scrum time and their towering pressence in the lineouts. Both men have solidified themselves as two of the best in their positions in the world and are excellent prospects for the future of New Zealand rugby.

Ben Smith, another youngster who made his debut in 2012 and was nearly perfect all season long. One of the most consistent players Smith showed great versatility as moved from wing to full back to center to slot in where ever he was needed. One of the most flexible players in World Rugby Smith personifies the term utility back. Although still very early in his career Ben Smith is alot like Leon MacDonald who was Mr. Consistency for the all blacks for many years.

Arguably the best player for the All Blacks in 2013 was Kieran Read, who captained the Kiwis in the absence of McCaw. Read displayed exceptional leadership skills and was often seen in the ref’s ear like any good skipper. Leadership aside, the big number 8 was an immense force to deal with all year long as he battered every attacker that came in front of him making bone crunching tackles. He was also powerful in attack and instrumental in scoring and creating numerous tries for the World Champions. His ability to draw in 2 and sometimes 3 defenders and still make the miracle off load to set up his support players was a treat to watch all year long. He seems to have developed a great partnership with Savea as the two went tit for tat setting each other up for tries out wide. Kieran Read is one of the top contenders for 2013’s player of the year.

Why are they the best? 

The All Blacks are the best in the world for many reasons. Most importantly it is their mentality, they believe in themselves and each other. For an New Zealander when you put on the Black Jersey you inherit a long history and tradition of being the best and it is your duty to uphold that. The reason they win is because they hate to loose, and they hate it more than the rest of the world. The All Blacks never seem to know when they have lost. As they proved against the Irish in the last game of the season they will not stop playing at full capacity untill the game is over. They came back from being 19-00 down 30 minutes into the game and being 22-17 down after the 80th minute because they play every minute of rugby the same way, at their optimum level.

They are also the most professional and most disciplined team in world rugby. With the All Blacks there are never any issues about partying before a game, or issues within the team. There are no hot-heads looking for personal glory, the environment is always about the team. The players are always focused on being an All Black whether its on or off the field.

From a rugby point of view it is because they are the most prepared team in the world. They have the best structure as a nation to nurture talent and create world class players. Put simply the All Blacks have the most depth in the their team. Six years ago they struggled with that, and did not have players to step in when the likes of Carter were injured. Now they have too many world class players. They have proved in the last 2 years that they can win without Dan Carter or Richie McCaw or Conrad Smith. In addition to a solid fifteen, they have two replacements for every position who can step in and do the job as well as the first choice player. They have youngsters like Charlie Faumuina, Dane Coles, Steven Luatua, Sam Cane, Tawera Kerr-Barlow, Aaron Cruden, Baeuden Barret, Ben Smith and Charles Piutau who are just starting their careers but play as well and sometimes better than the veterans like McCaw, Carter, Woodcock, Mealamu, and Nonu. What makes it so special is that the senior players are not interested in prolonging their own careers but are nurturing the youngsters. For example Dan Carter has taken both Cruden and Barret under his wing and is helping them become world class players. How often would you see the best player in the World whilst being injured carrying a kicking tee and water out on the field for the youngster who is fighting for his position. 

They also have the best leaders in World rugby. The likes of McCaw, Carter, Mealamu, Read and Conrad Smith lead the All Blacks by example. When they are on the field they give it all they’ve got. As Paul Ackford in New Zealands ‘Sunday Telegraph’ said “McCaw was better on one leg at the World Cup than most players on two.” This is true not because he is the most talented or the most skilled, its because he is the most determined. In 2007 McCaw was blamed by virtually every New Zealand supporter for the loss in Cardiff. They said he is a horrible captain and he choked. What makes McCaw the best captain in the World today is that he accpeted all that, he took most of the blame and still played at his best. Over a 12 year career Richie McCaw has won every trophy possible, he is the most accomplished captain in the history of Wold Rugby, he has lost just 13 games in 124 caps. Yet to this day he puts his body on the line, learning, adapting and persevering to be the best in the world. When you are led by a man like that who would not be inspired.

All these factors are what make the All Blacks the best in the World and possibly the best of all time.