New Executive Committee for Sri Lanka Cricket Scorers Association

Sri Lanka Cricket Scorers Association – Office Bearers for 2023/2024


The Sri Lanka Cricket Scorers Association elected their new office bearers for 2023/2024 during their Annual General Meeting (AGM), which was held on the 28th of January in Colombo.

A membership of nearly 70 participated in the AGM, and Chinthaka Munasinghe was elected as the new President, whilst Jagath Premachandra and Saman Peiris were elected as the two Vice-Presidents. Nuwan Wijewardene was elected as the Chief Secretary. 

The new office-bearers are as follows:

  • President – Chinthaka Munasinghe
  • Chief Secretary – Nuwan Wijewardene
  • Treasurer – Sanjaya Jayasinghe
  • Assignment Secretary – Ranga Samantha
  • Vice Presidents – Saman Peiris and Jagath Premachandra
  • Vice Secretary – Chamil Madhushanka
  • Vice Treasurer – Chamara Perera and Nilantha Herath
  • Assistant Assignment Secretaries – Tharaka Sandaruwan and Ishanka Udayanga
  • Committee Members – Kevin Janz, Dinesh Kumara and Chethana Soorasinghe

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