New Sports Minister invites cricket legends to National Sports Council

New Sports Minister invites cricket legends

Newly appointed Sports & Youth affairs Minister, Hon. Namal Rajapaksa has invited former Sri Lanka skippers Kumar Sangakkara and Mahela Jayewardene to the National Sports Council. 

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The new National Sports Council officers will be appointed today to advice the Sports Minister on sports policy matters and to uplift sports in the villages and talents to reach national standards.

When the Hon. Rajapakse assumed his duties at the Sports Ministry on 18th August he said, “We want to appoint professionals to the National Sports Council who can work with transparency. I will give them all assistance and powers needed to raise the standard of sports to the international level.”

“The standard of sports in the island should be raised to the international level. For this we have to pick talent from the rural level and then groom them up to national level and then to international standards. For this sports council officials do play a major role,” Minister further added.

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The council will accommodate a dynamic mix of professionals like Sangakkara, Jayewardene who have been consistently committed toward uplifting sports in the country.  The new members of the national sports council are expected to be named later today when it will have its inaugural meeting at the ministry premises.

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