Sri Lanka Hockey Masters to play fellowship matches against Wanderers Australia


Wanderers Australia, Hockey enthusiasts from the land down under are scheduled to play a few fellowship games against the Masters Men and Women Hockey teams during the month of April.

The team from Australia are expected to play a few Sri Lankan Hockey enthusiasts in the island, while they will meet the Sri Lanka Masters Women and Men on the 17th of April 2019 at the Colombo Hockey Turf Ground.

“Amidst many difficulties the island players encounter on a daily basis due to un availability of proper infrastructure, our Ladies have managed to maintain consistency in training, at least once a week after crying out loud for ground space for as minimum of 45 mins. The lady stickers are determined to give the Kangaroos a good game, and wish to make their visit to Sri Lanka worth it” said Ruwaiza Sela, Hon. Secretary of the Masters Women Team.  She also added that there is so much we can do with Hockey in Sri Lanka because the potential Sri Lanka has is boundless.

The objective of the Wanderers Australia Hockey team during this tour is to meet new people from all over world, see the world, and of course improve as players by receiving expert coaching and by playing against different styles of hockey they cannot experience in their home country. This team consists of players from as far north as Cairns, to as far south as Hobart as far west as Kalgoorlie and Perth, as well as Alice Springs and Darwin in the north, and everywhere in between in Australia.