Royal cruise past hapless Pathana

Singer Schools Rugby League

  • Janidu Dilshan found his form back as Royal massacred the Green Machine

Defending champions Royal College are just one step away from retaining their title after outclassing their fierce rivals Isipathana College by a massive 41 points to 07 in a totally one sided encounter that concluded at Havelock Park this evening. Royal collected their points from 7 tries and 3 conversions while Isipathana responded with a solitary try that was converted. The game which was also played for the Major Milroy Fernando Trophy saw the Royalists taking the trophy back to Reid Avenue after a lapse of two years.

Heavy showers prior to kick off made the ground conditions muddy and it certainly would not have been the setup both teams would have expected. But Royal with their superior set of forwards always had the edge against their smaller made and weaker counterparts and it took no less than 3 minutes for the visitors to get their first points on the board with Mubeen Faleel getting his name on the score sheet. The Royal forwards simply powered their way into the Isipathana “Red Zone” and when referee Rohan Fernando awarded a penalty Faleel took the quick tap and barged his way through. Full back Dulan Gunawardane’s conversion attempt came agonizingly close but just lacked the distance. (IC 00 – RC 05)

Isipathana who looked rattled from the onset kept making errors while handing over possession back to the Royalists with their kicks ahead which only found the wanting hands of Janidu Dilshan and Co. A crucial mistake where Isipathana gave away possession off their own scrum inside their Red Zone saw them punished once again as Royals Sasitha Siyath powered his way through under the posts from close range. Dulan added the easy extras as Royal went ahead by 12 points.(IC 00 – RC 12).

Royal were soon reduced to 14 men when Pasindu Fernando was shown yellow for a dangerous tackle. But Isipathana could not make any headway with Royal maintaining their firm grip on the game. Royal added further embarrassment adding two more tries before the break with both of their centers, Thulaib Hassen and Janidu Dilshan going over the white wash. Dulan Gunawardane missed both the conversions albeit from difficult angles but the damage was already done as Royal went into half-time with a healthy 22 point lead.


Isipathana would have hoped to make some sort of a comeback with their pride at stake but any ideas were kicked out the back door in no less than 3 minutes into the 2nd half. Isipathana were once again guilty of throwing away possession inside their own 22. Royal opted for their famed rolling maul and when it came to a halt the ball was sent out wide which saw skipper Sabith Feroze  scoring his second try in the game brushing aside feeble Isipathana tackles and scoring under the posts. Dulan put over the easy extras and the remainder of the game looked like just a mere formality (IC 00 – RC 29).

With the win against Isipathana, Royal are the only unbeaten side in the League

Despite being in full control of the game, the Royalists never eased up on the gas as they kept piling the pressure on the hosts who were defending their try line from further embarrassment. It was to no avail as 15 minutes later skipper Sabith Feroze completed his hat-trick scoring a beautiful try by the right corner flag, profiting off a neat inside pass from fellow wing three quarter. Dulan piled on further misery slotting through a fabulous conversion from the corner. (IC 00 – RC 36).

With the game well and truly over Royals coaching department decided to empty their bench. The move to introduce fresh legs proved to be effective in favour of the Royalists as they kept  marching forward with their powerful set of forwards and threes working in tandem. The visitors rubbed further salt into Isipathana’s wounds scoring their 7th try for the evening. Replacement prop Rajindu Jayasuriya was the beneficiary as he carried the ball over the try line off a rampaging rolling maul. The try went unconverted but the scoreboard was already a sight Isipathana fans have not seen of late. (IC 00 – RC 41)

The game still had enough time for one more try and that came to be a late consolation try for the hosts as replacement second rower Manoj Gautham scored besides the posts. Manilka converted and with it also came the full time whistle of Rohan Fernando which brought Isipathana’s misery to an end.


  • Referee: Rohan Fernando
  • player of the match: Mubeen Faleel (RC)

Score Breakdown: Isipathana 07 (1T, 1C)
Tries: Manoj Gautham
Conversion: Manilka Rubeyru

Score Breakdown: Royal (7T, 3C)
Tries: Sabith Feroze (3), Janidu Dilshan, Thulaib Hasssen, Mubeen Faleel, Rajindu Jayasuriya.
Conversions: Dulan Gunawardane (3)