M.Farhath’s Last minute goal saves Bluestar


The Dialog Champions league 2nd round match between Colombo FC and Blue Star took place on the 05th of October at the City Football League Complex at 3.30pm.



Blue Star on the back of winning last week’s match against Saunders SC and showing more enthusiasm on Saturday against Colombo FC, helped them to lead the champions league points table. Colombo FC led the points table with 22 points while Blue Star came in 3rd place with 21 points. After the win over Colombo FC, Blue Star will take the lead of group A.

Colombo FC started off with superb strength though at the end of the game Blue Stars winger, Mohamed Farhath booted a goal 35 meters away from the post at the extra time which could not be blocked by the national goalkeeper Imran Nazeer.

Until the 35th minute of the game neither team conceded any goal as the Blue Star striker, No.07 A.W.M.Farzeen scored the first goal of the match which was crossed from the left side by winger S.Rahman.  Blue Star headed the game at the breather.

After the break Colombo FC turned up and kept on playing through the Blue Star defense, yet they could not get any ball. The young striker duo from Colombo FC, Ahamed Shazni and Mohamed Rifnaz showed their talents which helped their team to score a goal through the right winger H.V.N.Kanishka at 82nd minute.

As everyone was expecting for the final whistle of the game, Kalutara boys showed some good game. The right winger of Blue Star,M.Farhath booted the ball a few meters out of the box which went through the nets and gave them victory. Match ended in favor of Blue Star 2-1.

Match refereed by L.K.Udayakantha.