Zahira College Makes a Comeback

U-15 colombo-north basketball - Gateway College

Zahira College, Colombo routed D.S. Senanayake College, Colombo 62 points to 36 in the Under 15 Colombo North Basketball Zonals tournament held at the Gateway College, Colombo Court last evening.

The boys from Maradana, who came in  after a heavy defeat to CIS, were out to prove their critics wrong and show them that they are a rising force in the Basketball arena. During the first quarter the game was evenly poised as the scores read 10 points to 6 in favour of Zahira College. The second quarter however brought out a totally different side of Zahira College Basketball as they dominated both sides of the court to restrict the Dons to scoring only 7 points, while they went on a riot to score a massive 24 points.

Half Time – DSSC 13 – 34 Zahira College

With the coaches backing their players up we did see a resurgent DSSC team coming out to play in the third quarter as they added 16 more points to their tally while the Zahirians added 14. Zahira sensing a fight back from DSSC stepped their game up and continued with their dominant play style which was produced in the second quarter to hold out the Dons and seal the win.

Full Time – DSSC 36 – 62 Zahira College