British Council launches ‘Sports for social change for a better tomorrow’


The British Council recently launched its latest society project ‘Sports for social change for a better tomorrow’ which aims to break social barriers and promote societal peace and unity by including equality, diversity and inclusion, making sports an integral part of the social life of youth in Borella (Wanathamulla).

This programme was inspired by the Developing and Organising Social Transformation Initiatives (DOSTI) Project which is a regional programme conducted by the British Council spread across Pakistan, India and Afghanistan.

The Sports for Social Change (SSC) programme aims to cut across the barriers and divisions in society and find a common ground among different groups to foster intergroup understanding, tolerance for and eventually appreciation of diversity in the city of Borella. This programme seeks to use a medium of language that is spoken and understood by all irrespective of their associations: a language of sports.

The programme promotes sports as a powerful tool for conflict prevention and incorporates all forms of physical activity that contribute to physical fitness, mental health and social interaction. Through sports it fosters individuals’ development; teaches core values of discipline, respect and co-operation that are necessary for societal development and community/social cohesion through the implementation of social action projects.

It also encourages sportsmanship, unity and playing for excellence through competitions, inter-community playoffs, local and regional exhibition matches and competitions.

SSC is being piloted in Wanathamulla (M.H Mohamed grounds) in the Borella District targeting 11-18 year old school going and community youth. The British Council will work closely with its strategic partners, Active Communities Network (ACN), UK and with its local implementing partners – the Football Federation of Sri Lanka (FFSL) and Sri Lanka Unites (SLU) to ensure successful implementation of SSC in the respective communities.

The programme uses national and local resources as well as UK and regional expertise to build capacity of partners and participants. It also develops an understanding of global issues which affect young people and their communities.

“The British Council is committed to championing diversity and inclusion in all we do. This is at the heart of our cultural relations mission and contributes to mutual trust, respect and understanding. Sport is an excellent way to bring together communities and to foster inclusion and we have seen the positive results that this type of programme can bring to many countries around the world and in the community engagement programmes of our top Premier League soccer clubs. I am delighted that we are working together with such influential Sri Lankan partners on this exciting new project,” said Keith Davies, Country Director, British Council.

“Football Federation of Sri Lanka (FFSL) takes this programme as an opportunity to foster children at Wanathamulla and within the vicinity with positive life changing habits through football. This programme with British Council, Sri Lanka Unites and Colombo Municipal Council is an eye opener and a benchmark for similar programmes for the future.

“Being the governing body responsible for administration and development of the game, we are proud to be associated with British Council, Sri Lanka Unites and Colombo Municipal Council in this magnanimous effort to bring a social change in this selected community through this programme and wish to extend our sincere appreciation to British Council for the initiative taken on this project,” added Anura De Silva, President Football Federation Sri Lanka._DSC0560

“We at Sri Lanka Unites (a youth led civil society organisation of volunteers and social workers) believe that a team effort is much stronger than an individual’s effort in creating social change. We also believe that what makes Sri Lanka so beautiful is the diversity of the people and how it has been a strong force in the upbringing of the nation. Sports, with its energy and passion bring people closer together.

“Around the world Football has been the number one sport that elevates the enthusiasm of young people to bring them to a common ground across a variety of different ethnicities, religions and socio-economic backgrounds. I believe, this initiative would be the ideal platform for Sri Lanka to use Football as a tool to bring about a positive societal transformation starting from community level and expanding it island-wide. We are very much excited with the opportunity that this programme creates to uphold the sport and the level of engagement that it promises to deliver to the community,” M.Ramzi Zaindeen, National Director Sri Lanka Unites mentioned.