The 22nd Seethadevi Hockey 7’s


Seethadevi girls college Kandy are one of the pioneer of the Schools Hockey field. They have presented hundreds of players to represent National team.

Seethadevi college organizes their traditional 7 A Side Hockey tournament each year and is well known as the biggest hockey tournament in Sri Lanka coming up for the 22nd consecutive year in a grand style. It will be held on 17th and 18th October at Bogamabara stadium.
This tournament will played under 2 main catagories. They are inter school U-19 tournament and a Open Tournament

24 boys teams and 16 girls teams are taking part in Inter School tournament and 24 men teams and 12 women teams are taking part in the Open Tournament.
Sangamiththa College Matale clinched the last time Girls title while Christ Church college won the boys title. Sri Lanka Navy won the both the Men and women Open titles.
Peoples Bank joining hands as Platinum sponsor of the Seethadevi 7s.