A reader’s submission – Malinga got by his talent alone


Malinga is a village boy who did not know how to speak english or behave in front of a camera. His job was to play cricket and does it well.

Whether he plays for SL or IPL or what ever is only by his talent alone, not by any other means and and does not need or rely on on any media support to get to the team.

An actor or or artist is a different story, who all the time would rely on the media, who could make or break their career. But then even the best of best from Mariah Carey to Brad Pitt have had issues with the media.

The bone of contention is to draw to the lime light the disagreeing to sing contract. In my view people may argue that when the country is having its own problems in finding their next meal, these guys are asking for the travel ticket to their spouses and wanting a portion form the sponsorship. If I may quote from scriptures what Jesus said to the woman who poured the expensive perfume to His head, “The Poor you will always have with you” . Also is this going to come to any of the poor man’s kitty. No. 

Cricket is the only sport which we are competing at the highest level and winning. Today cricket is a professional sport, gone are the days you could work and go for practices in the evening and if we are to compete with the best, you need to provide the best in all areas and pay them the same way the rest of the world pays.

The life span of a cricketer is 5-10 years at max 15. During this time you make so much of sacrifices and commitment, and in a team there could be only 11 playing. So you want to maximize yourself in all aspects. including earnings. Take a hypothetical situation of our job environment. We do not want to work for the salary we got 10 years ago. We always look at what the industry standard is. Why can’t it apply here.

I feel that some people feel jealous of what they get and since they could not make it to the top. 

Media can’t give him or anybody for that matter talent. Do they come in defense to give him medical treatment or a job when a player puts all his efforts and does not make it.

So in my view i think the behavior might be wrong but he is not trained to be in front of a camera for speeches, so its wrong to attack him for how he reacted