Video – Tough times for Sri Lanka Aquatics – Akhry Ameer


It has been nearly three months since FINA, the international governing body for aquatics suspended Sri Lanka from its member countries following the appointment of the new officials which was in violation of the FINA regulations.

This has not been the first occasion where the Sri Lanka Aquatics Union; the sole governing body for aquatics in the country had to be in the middle of controversy and problems as aquatics is a sidelined area of focus in the country. Speaking to, Mr. Akhry Ameer, General Secretary of the previous governing body that has been sanctioned by FINA to carry-on with matters, highlighted the ongoing crisis situation in aquatics and expressed his concern about the low levels of funding and disruption in the works of the Aquatics Union

The recent suspension is the climax of the recent events as the Sports Ministry went on to recognize a committee that were elected at an election held with the participation of some of the clubs not heeding to the FINA regulations to postpone elections. Earlier in June, the appointed committee was not recognized as a legitimate body as there were no proper elections held for the appointments that were made. FINA who acts independently without any interference internationally, wholeheartedly accepts committees that are appointed through proper democracy and objects to government appointed committees deemed political interference.

The repercussions of these events have fallen on the swimmers who represent the country at the international swimming meets where they are barred of donning their national colors in the events they participate. This is the first occasion such a fate has fallen through for the swimmers from Sri Lanka as they are banned from participating under the Sri Lankan flag. They are therefore recognized as independent athletes and allowed to participate under the FINA flag. The worst effect of this ill fated decision came through at the World Swimming Championships at Kazan when Sri Lanka was not allowed to walk in the opening ceremony under the national flag and the FINA flag was hoisted in place of it at the swimmers village.

Currently operating in a facility in Thimbirigasyaya, the Aquatics Union operates on the personal funds of the President and the funding put forward by the other committee members. With Sri Lanka losing its full member status under FINA, the Sri Lankan swimmers have finally ended up being the victims of the political appointment as they are barred from representing Sri Lanka in the international swimming meets. Instead they are forced to be independent athletes competing under the FINA flag. This has been This has been the first occasion such a fate has fallen across aquatics in the country but Akhry looks confident for the future in the sport as the sport ministry would require to adjust the sports regulations if Sri Lanka wishes to get their full member status restored.